Cikal-bakal Persada

- 1932 Gayos Mahyudin (Jikei Ika Daigaku)
- 1933 Amir Hasan (Sophia University)
Beberapa pengusaha Indonesia di Jepang mendirikan SARIKAT INDONESIA dimana Gayos Mahyudin sebagai pendiri sekaligus ketua - Madjid Usman, (1934, Sophia University)
- Hasan Basri Djohan,( 1935)
- John Rais, (1935)
- Umarjadi Nyotowijono (1936)
- Adam Basori (1937)
- Achmad Besar (1937)
- Arden Mulia Noor (1939)
- Rahim Nazir (1939)
- Omar Barack (1939)
Pendirian PERSADA

Yoga Sugama - Ketua Umum pertama
5 Juli 1963 – Perhimpunan Alumni dari Jepang
“Tempat Berkontribusi Untuk Bangsa”

Prof. Ginandjar Kartasasmita - Ketua Dewan Pembina
- 1965 – Graduated from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- Awarded Honorary Doctor :
1994 – From The Takushoku University
1994 – From Northeastern University
1995 – From Gajah Mada University
1995 – Professor from Brawijaya University - 1988 – 1993 Minister of Mining, and Energy
- 1993 – 1998 Minister of PPN/Head of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency
- 1998 – 2004 Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry
- 2008 Awarded Grand Cordon of the Order of The Rising Sun

DR (HC) Rahmat Gobel - Ketua Umum PERSADA
- 1984 – Graduated from Chuo University
- Awarded Honorary Doctor
2002 from Takushoku University
2014 from Chuo University - 2014 – 2015 Minister of Trade, Republic of Indonesia
- 2015 – 2019 Special envoy of the President of Indonesia to Japan
- 2019 – Now : 3rd Deputy Speaker of the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia
- Chairman of Melati Sakura Foundation (University of Dharma Persada)