Coordinated by PERSADA (Perhimpunan Alumni dari Jepang) ASCOJA Website’s team, after a one-year development, finally the ASCOJA website, is launched. The soft-launch version went public in June 2024 and is filled with articles from each chapter.
During the Sedai Kotai (世代交代 – lit. generation change) meeting on the day after the ASJA-ASCOJA-JAC International symposium on Saturday, 29th June 2024 one of the agendas is to explain the launch of the new ASCOJA website.
Not only chapter leaders, but the launch of the ASCOJA website was also witnessed by Ministry of Foreign Affair Japan (MOFA) Tomoyuki Yamagata, and also by ASJA International, Mr. Gotaro Ogawa, Director, Mr. Kazuhisa Matsuoka, General Secretary and Senior Manager, Mrs. Chikako Hagihara.
PERSADA also presented how the website will be operated as what is written in the policy. From then, every chapter will regularly send an article to PERSADA to be updated on the website.
The launch was perceived very positively by each chapter as well as by MOFA and ASJA International. Active contribution is expected from each chapter to keep the website attractive to the viewers.
Written by: Anindya Pradipta (PERSADA)